Delaying Hiring? Here’s Why Acting Now Could Tr...
17 January
Don't Delay Your Hiring!Every empty role in your retail or hospitality business is more than just a vacant seat; it’s a missed opportunity to drive growth, enhance customer experience, and foster i...
Shane Hawkins
What Hiring Managers Should Focus On When Hiring
18 October
A Basic Guide for Hiring ManagersEnsuring job applicants have a great experience when hiring is crucial for leaving a positive impression of the company, even if they don't get the job. A positive...
Shane Hawkins
Why Using a Specialist Recruitment Agency Can B...
15 October
Why Using a Specialist Recruitment Agency Can Be Cheaper Than Hiring Internally In today’s job market, many businesses face the challenge of deciding whether to bring recruitment in-house or par...
Shane Hawkins
Diversity and Inclusion in Hiring
13 September
The Power of Diversity and Inclusion in Hiring: How to Build a More Inclusive WorkforceIn today's dynamic and globalised business world, diversity and inclusion (D&I) have become key components of ...
Shane Hawkins
8 Reasons To Use a Recruitment Agency Exclusively
7 May
Why Use a Recruitment Agency Exclusively?It's a common practice for hiring managers to engage multiple agencies in their quest to fill a position, believing it will broaden their options and exped...
Shane Hawkins
How to get the most out of your Job Adverts
13 October
How to get the most out of your Job AdvertsMost employers advertise their vacancies in a variety of ways; however there are a few common mistakes so we want to help you get the most out of your job...
Shane Hawkins
Video Interviews
11 October
Video interviewing: what are the benefits? Video interviews are becoming increasingly popular as part of the hiring process for many businesses. They are especially useful during the initial stage...
Shane Hawkins
C2 Recruitment - Charity Referral Scheme
1 October
Recommend a Client and we will donate £150 to your chosen charity! Here at C2 Recruitment, we recognise that referrals and word of mouth play a big part in the growth of our business and so wanted ...
Shane Hawkins
Benefits of a specialist recruiter
10 September
Benefits of a specialist recruiterThe benefits of a specialist recruiter are many.At C2 Recruitment, we have a proven track record for sourcing top industry talent for leading brands across the ret...
Kelly Swancott
C2 Recruitment - Retail, Hospitality and Leisur...
7 September
New Videos!Take a look at our recent film footage and get a closer look at our team and an insight into what goes on behind the scenes at C2 Retail Recruitment.To find out more about C2 Recruitment...
Amanda Tonks