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Why Use a Recruiter with a Recruitment Process Outsourcing Service?

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C2 Recruitment, Shane Hawkins, recruiting partner...

​2020 has been a year of fast, significant changes, particularly in the retail and hospitality sectors.

It was these sectors which have been the hardest hit by the pandemic restrictions; and hospitality has had to flex and adapt to changing restrictions on almost a weekly basis.

Unfortunately, this period of change is far from over – until we have a vaccine, hospitality and retail are constantly ‘on-call’ waiting to see how the government’s next set of changes will impact them – naturally, this is a nightmare scenario for employers.

The logical question is, how can you plan for such a continually shifting market?

What measures can you put in place to ensure that you have the best possible team in place at all times, but importantly, that you aren’t spending money on recruiting staff that you might not need in a matter of weeks?

This is where Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) comes into play. At C2 Recruitment, we have introduced this service to help employers in the exact situation I have just outlined.

It is a guaranteed way to get the maximum results from your recruitment budget, delivering exactly what you need when you need it. No overpaying for employees you don’t need, no being left short-staffed during critical times – it’s the perfect recruitment solution to the Covid problem.

Let’s look at how using RPO will save your retail or hospitality business money while delivering the exact recruitment service you need during this time of flux.

RPO’s – Explained

Recruitment has changed; Over the last decade, the offerings given by specialist recruiters like C2 Recruitment are more detailed, valuable and sophisticated than ever – and the pandemic has only fuelled this change.

In the last six months, we have moved away from a contingency model of Recruitment and into a more dynamic, value-driven service; the Recruitment Process Outsourcing service – why?

It’s what our clients need right now, so naturally, it’s where our focus has been.

Our RPO service allows clients to plan their budgets in advance, so they know precisely how much they will be spending – an essential business need right now.

The RPO allows Recruitment to become part of an ongoing budget, rather than repeatedly paying for the cost of Recruitment as and when it occurs - you can see why this is a popular choice for employers.

Would you rather -

  • When a vacancy arises, have to embark on the lengthy, time-consuming task of searching for a new employee or have to plan in advance when you know you will need extra staff, for example for the upcoming Christmas period, taking time away from your actual day job of making a success of your business.


  • Have a continual arrangement with a dedicated professional recruitment company who specialise in retail and hospitality recruitment who will meet your staffing needs on a pre-arranged contract and cost – with no hassle.

 Of course, it’s the second option. And this is why so many clients are now using our RPO service for their Recruitment.

What Your Retail and Hospitality Business Needs Right Now

As a retail, hospitality, or leisure employer, right now is probably the most precarious time you have encountered.

What you want is an expert who can supply you with the essential building blocks that you need to ensure your business gets through the pandemic unscathed.

Working with an external recruiter on an RPO basis has one huge benefit – it means that you do not need to dedicate a high, fixed cost to an in-house recruitment department all year round. And in the current climate, we understand that looking to cut costs internally is at the forefront of many businesses’ minds.

Finally, let’s look at the benefits of using C2’s RPO service for your Recruitment over the coming months.

The Benefits of Working with an RPO Recruiter

Our clients love our RPO service – here are the benefits that you will enjoy when you use this service-

  • It allows you to plan your costs better – we offer 6- or 12-months agreements so that you plan ahead safe in the knowledge that your Recruitment is taken care of for this period.

  • It saves you significant costs associated with contingency recruitment.

  • Your recruitment partner can give more of a focus and an in-depth search as they are guaranteed revenue and working continually – it’s a better working relationship all-round.

  • It allows you to hand over all your Recruitment to the agency, so you are free to focus on your day job – making a success of your business.

  • You get better coverage – there are no issues with holiday coverage that you normally experience when your staff are on holiday or off sick.

  • There is no need for you to pay for recruitment advertising or spend time looking at C.V.s or worrying who is applying for your roles and if they are qualified.

  • There is no issue with ‘backouts’ that some retail and hospitality employers encounter when trying to recruit. C2 Recruitment continuously recruits, meaning that you, the client, never has to pay more for replacement staff.

All the benefits that we have outlined here are what has made our new RPO service so popular with clients during the Covid-age.

If you would like to know more about this service and how we can help your business specifically with your recruiting needs – get in touch with us today.

Call us on 01743 770280 or contact us hereto find out more about our Recruitment Process Outsourcing service.

About C2 Recruitment

Originally established in 2008, C2 Recruitment specialises within the Retail, Fashion, Hospitality and Leisure sectors.

Our consultants come from the industries they specialise in and are renowned for giving the very best possible recruitment service to our clients and candidates chosen fields.

The C2 team recruits on a national scale across all specialist areas of Retail, Fashion and Hospitality.

To find out how we can help you with a recruitment or career query in these fields, call us on 01743 770280 or contact us here.